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detachment fault gold deposits

detachment fault system, parallel to the crest of the range, indicates that movement on the Bullard fault in the Bullard district was primarily horizontal, with upper-plate rocks to the southeast moving northeast . Exploring the Wapolu detachment-related mesothermal and ... Major Mines & Projects - Mining Intelligence and News The area of our claims has numerous high-grade outcroppings with spectacular, highly mineralized copper oxide mineralization, sulphides, and gold mineralization. . The older controlling feature in the Plomosa Mining District is the detachment faults first described in 1974. State Prospecting Permit and a 320 acre mineral lease from Santa Fe R.R. - STDD001 intersected a broad zone of 55.8m at 0.7 g/t gold from . Spencer, J.E.& others, 2015, Geologic map of the If the fluid enters the detachment fault, the tectonite dominated by cataclastic rock in the fault system develops well, and the ore-forming fluid moves in the way of percolation, the orebody dominated by disseminated altered rock is formed by metasomatism with the tectonite; that is, the altered rock-type gold deposit in the Jiaojia-type . Graph showing tonnages of laterite-saprolite Au deposits 50 34. These deposits sometimes contain economic concentrations of gold and silver. Ma Linglong granite in the footwall of the Linglong detachment fault. The paper presents two styles of bladed texture in the Kuklitsa gold deposit (Krumovgrad goldfield, SE Bulgaria) observed at both different altitude and lateral position in respect to . The paper presents two styles of bladed quartz texture in the Kuklitsa gold deposit, Krumovgrad goldfield, SE Bulgaria. Disseminated free gold provinces of Europe hosting a large number of occurs in quartz matrix of silicified marbles along ore deposits, partly controlled by detachment the thrust fault, and as secondary gold enrichment 162 Bul. The Daisy Gold Mine was developed on the site of the earlier Daisy Fluorspar mine for which two MRDS records already exist, W006927 and M241867. Microscopic images of gold revealed association with goethite along fractures which should have excellent leaching characteristics. However, although geochemical surveys form a major part of most companiesÕ strategies, little information is available on the . Although this site is located within yards of the main highway, there are no signs, parking areas or other hints of its location. The fault places tilted and deformed Paleozoic and Tertiary sedimentary rocks over mylonitic gneiss and chloritic breccia, and has about 40 miles of top-ENE displacement at this location. Detachment Fault. @article{osti_6576252, title = {Conditions of gold mineralization in the detachment fault environment}, author = {Beane, R E and Wilkins, J Jr and Heidrick, R L}, abstractNote = {Mineral exploration in the detachment fault environment of southwestern North America was originally oriented toward base metals, but is currently focused on gold. This was the working hypothesis of Anaconda and, later, Chevron. One of several gold-silver bearing detachment faults in Arizona. The second model is a low-angle detachment fault setting, with gold deposition occurring at an oxidation-reduction . One of several gold-silver bearing detachment faults in Arizona. The Picacho gold deposit, just west of the Colorado River 18 miles north of Yuma, Arizona, contained about 600,000 ounces of gold in Mesozoic schists and leucogranites and Tertiary fanglomerates. The ACEC also contains areas related to the Crescent mining district with high potential for gold-bearing polymetallic vein deposits and also additional moderate potential for detachment-fault-related gold deposits. gold deposit is situated 5 km southeast of Krumovgrad town, Eastern Rhodopes. this is one of the oldest and most productive mines in the gold basin district. "detachment fault" deposit. Then there are the detachment fault gold deposits that extend across Arizona from the northwest to the northeast. The NNE-trending Linglong Metamorphic Core Complex hosts the majority of the gold deposits in the Jiaodong Peninsula of eastern China. The deposit provides excellent exposures of the hangingwall, footwall, and detachment itself, marked by mylonitic DESCRIPTION: Massive replacements, stockworks, and veins of iron and copper oxides and locally sulfides along. The subhorizontal Rawhide detachment fault, a Miocene low-angle normal fault, is here approximately horizontal. two types of mineralization: gold-bearing quartz beins of cretaceous age related to the cret granite and mid-miocene mineralization in the upper plate of a detachment zone. Gold in Arizona - A Prospectors Guide. Posted by the alteration associated with gold deposits spatially related to detachment faults. The Daisy Mine encompasses the following ore zones for which other records exist: Secret Pass RE00048, West Zone RE00046, South Zone RE00047. Santa Fe Gold acquired the claim block next and cancelled the project . Showing posts with label detachment fault. The mined-out deposit was structurally controlled by a regionally extensive low-angle normal fault (that we call the "Gatuna Detachment Fault . The gold deposit originated from processes common to detachment faults as described in Spencer and others (1988) p. 2. Gold mineralization is located in: (1) a massive, tabular ore body above the detachment fault; and (2) open space-filling ores along predominantly east-west oriented listric faults. Some of these outcroppings are in historical . A shear zone is a zone of strong deformation (with a high strain rate) surrounded by rocks with a lower state of finite strain.It is characterised by a length to width ratio of more than 5:1. A2 is located immediately west of a major NW trending aeromagnetic lineament interpreted to be a detachment fault zone. o Including 23.2m at 1.01 g/t Au from 18.3m. The Ada Tepe deposit: a sediment-hosted, detachment fault-controlled, low-sulfidation gold deposit in the Eastern Rhodopes, SE Bulgaria Article Full-text available At Picacho Mine, an augen gneiss is exposed through a low angle normal fault system, the Chocolate Mountain Detachment Fault (CMDF). The best example of an Arizona detachment gold deposit is Copperstone, which . BW1. Two seismic profiles indicate the detachment fault dips 17°-20° west, has a minimum of 10.1 km of slip, and accumulates a sedimentary wedge more than 2.5 km thick in the west-central part of this basin domain. 6, p. 607. Gold occurs as native flakes within . Gjeol. A report by Nyal Niemuth notes that 'Mineralization is a tabular deposit striking N30W and dipping 32NE with ore control by faults and brecciation and detachment faulting.' Northern Vertex Moss Mine Gold-Silver Project Arizona has primary lode gold deposits, some placer gold deposits and many copper deposits that produce by-product gold and silver. Tokachka fault dips gently (10- Also related to the Searchlight mining district are areas with moderate and low potential for porphyry copper deposits. Then there are the detachment fault gold deposits that extend across Arizona from the northwest to the northeast. The lower part of the upper plate of this fault includes a "Crush" zone . Detachment fault deposits were first recognized as a separate form of gold deposit in the 1980's. The best example of an Arizona detachment gold deposit is probably the "Copperstone" Gold deposit, which like "Ester Basin" is in the highly extended Western Arizona terrane, as well as in the "Walker Lane" gold trend. Detachment fault deposits were first recognized as a separate form of gold deposit in the 1980 ' s. Enclosed within this pack is an article by noted Arizona geologist Joe Wilkins Sr., which . Detachment-fault deposits contain fractures and thick, irregu- lar zones that are commonly filled with the of . Naruk, S.J., 1984, A model for detachment fault gold mineralization [abs. The first model is the epithermal bonanza style veining and hanging wall stockwork setting, with gold mineralization the result of repeated boiling events. % Simpson, et. The Ada Tepe deposit: a sediment-hosted, detachment fault-controled, low-sulfidation gold deposit in the Eastern Rhodopes, SE Bulgaria, Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 2004, vol. Silver was also produced at the mine, but silver production was only half that of gold. Copper-gold deposits associated with detachment faults typically lie along or within a few tens of meters of the faults; a few, however, are hundreds of meters above the faults. 1/2014 - Special Issue Proceedings of XX CBGA Congress, Tirana, Albania, 24-26 September 2014 Special . - Both holes intersected the two mineralised detachment fault zones as anticipated. two types of mineralization: gold-bearing quartz beins of cretaceous age related to the cret granite and mid-miocene mineralization in the upper plate of a detachment zone. Detachment fault deposits were first recognized as a separate form of gold deposit in the 1980's. The best example of an Arizona detachment gold deposit is probably the Copperstone Gold deposit, which like Clara is in the highly extended Western Arizona terrane, as well as in the "Walker Lane" gold trend. The current record includes all pertinent material from . The company owns 100% of a processing facility located within the vicinity of the project. The footwall side of the brecciated fault zone is characterized by the Times quartz monzonite porphyry of mid-Tertiary age, while the hanging wall side . Location/Access: (36o 02.757'N, 116o 45.636'W) 10.2 miles north of Ashford Mill and 16.5 miles south of Badwater. The Copperstone gold deposit is related to the Moon Mountain or Copper Peak detachment fault. The Xiadian orogenic deposit with ~ 100 t of gold resources, located in the Jiaodong Peninsula, Eastern China, shows an economically attractive gold mineralization that is spatially associated with the Zhaoping detachment fault. The Larus project contains a sediment-hosted (Carlin-type) gold system along the Cortez gold belt in central Nevada. This mineralization is one of the gold deposits which correlated with low-angle normal/detachment fault. The project was turned down as Gulf was of the opinion that the project was not big enough. The N200 t Au Xiadian gold deposit, which is located 15 km to the southwest of the Dayingezhuang deposit (Fig. • STDD001 intersected a broad zone of 55.8m at 0.7 g/t gold from 18.3m. Former Homestake Gold project. The nature of the structures and mineralization further suggest potential for another type of ore deposit — that of the strong likelihood of a major detachment fault associated gold / copper deposit, similar to the proven and mined Copperstone and Mesquite deposits. Reclamation work began in 1997. has been interpreted as an uplifted metamorphic core complex where unmetamorphosed and unfolded Cambrian strata are in detachment-fault contact with underlying deformed granitoids and Precambrian metamorphic rocks of the core complex . Detachment fault has been well documented, other detachment faults are less definitive. The detachment faults are related to Tertiary age continental tectonics that resulted in moving the upper section of crustal material 55km on the Buckskin-Rawhide fault and 40-50km on the Bullard detachment fault. Yeşilyurt gold mineralization is located within the provincial borders of Malatya and Adıyaman in the East Anatolian Region. potential exists for a major gold deposit in the area of the Bullard district. composed of highly fractured, iron-stained, and bleached trachytic andesite, which is typical . Wednesday, December 18, 2019. The south domain is a supradetachment basin controlled by the Cañada David detachment fault. The Cyclopic detachment fault is the most dominant structural feature in the Gold Basin district and it is presently thought to be the primary district-scale control over gold mineralization Gold grade and distribution at Gold Basin are primarily controlled by this structure, specifically the series of near-horizontal detachment fault planes . 1.5. SYNONYM: Detachment-fault-related gold, flat-fault gold. The ores are zones of intensive silicification and brecciation synchronous with detachment faulting. The mineralization and brecciation observed in the unit is related to the Copperstone Detachment Fault. Hosts intervals of massive specular hematite ± manganese oxide and Cu minerals. Many of the deposits are hosted by the 163-155. Underground development work on the detachment-fault-associated deposit is approaching ore production levels to match the mill's capacity. New 40Ar/39Ar geochronology on hydrothermal sericite and muscovite from the Dayingezhuang deposit indicate the gold event is related to evolution of the core complex at 130 ± 4 Ma and is the earliest important gold event that is well-documented in the province. (Photo by Jon Spencer, 2012.) The fault-localized feeders, which are inferred originally to have underlain the high sulfidation deposits, were detached from them by the low-angle faults.All ore exploited from the high sulfidation deposits underwent supergene sulfide oxidation during weathering, which commenced after detachment faulting had ceased and was ongoing at 10 Ma. Total production from 1991 to 1996 was 360,000 oz of gold. Mineralization is predominantly controlled by the northwest trending shallow angle Copperstone fault and shear zone. The upper plate gneisses and granites host important gold deposits in several locales in the Cargo Muchacho and Chocolate Mountains. 5). The Copperstone gold deposit is related to the Moon Mountain or Copper Peak detachment fault. The Ada Tepe deposit: a sediment-hosted, detachment fault-controlled, low-sulfidation gold deposit in the Eastern Rhodopes, SE Bulgaria Peter Marchev 1, Brad S. Singer 2, Danko Jelev 3, Sean Hasson 3, Robert Moritz 4 and Nikolay Bonev 5 Abstract The Ada Tepe gold deposit, 230 km SE of Sofia, formed in the eastern part of the Rhodope Mountains . These deposits occur in the Qixia gold orefield in the center of the Jiaodong gold metallogenetic province, and are represented by the Dujiaya gold deposit in the Fushan City. 84, pp. strike-slip fault detachment fault hydrothermal breccia stratigraphic contact quartz veins with Au town Serhat Today there is an estimated deposit of at least 250,000 tons of .05 to 0.1 oz / T gold. Canadian Mining Company's Precious Metals Division has now assembled a large land package in the Arizona Bullard Pass area, and aims to discover large-tonnage gold deposits along upper plate structures using the detachment fault mineralization model. The upper plate gneisses and granites host important gold deposits in several locales in the Cargo Muchacho and Chocolate Mountains. Argon thermochronology suggests that the granite had cooled to 400. Epithermal gold-silver deposits that occur along or near low-angle faults might be mistaken for detachment-fault-related mineralization. Detachment fault deposits were first recognized as a separate form of gold deposit in the 1980's. Enclosed within this pack is an article by noted Arizona geologist Joe Wilkins Sr., which describes the leading theory about how they formed. - STDD002 was drilled on a sub vertical dip (83 degrees) to a total depth of 110m. Clara Moro, Silverfield Gold: Gold deposit in detachment fault environment. Gold mineralization at Copperstone occurs principally within the moderate to low-angle Copperstone Fault which has been interpreted to be a listric fault associated with the underlying Moon Mountain detachment fault. These structures are not confined to any lithologic unit, although the majority of the mineralization is hosted in quartz latite porphyry. • Both holes intersected the two mineralised detachment fault zones as anticipated. Comment (Production): Modern mining of the deposit by Battle Mountain Gold Company began in 1991 and ended in early 1997. Perhaps the most Larus Project. This study presents a combination of field investigation, 3D modeling, spatial analysis of models, and prospectivity modeling using a multi-layer perceptron deep . Detachment Fault. Detachment fault deposits were first recognized as a separate form of gold deposit in the 1980's. Gulf Mineral Resources initiated the gold rush at the Mockingbird District in 1982. The south domain is a supradetachment basin controlled by the Cañada David detachment fault. This mineralization is one of the gold deposits which correlated with low-angle normal/detachment fault. and Welty, 1986). The Ada Tepe deposit: a sediment-hosted, detachment fault-controlled, low-sulfidation gold deposit in the Eastern Rhodopes, SE Bulgaria January 2004 Swiss Journal of Geosciences Supplement 84(1-2) °C by 143. 33. This was the working hypothesis of Anaconda and, later, Chevron. Öz Yeşilyurt gold mineralization is located within the provincial borders of Malatya and Adıyaman in the East Anatolian Region. Gold Deposit, Jiaodong Peninsula Peng CHAI, Zeng-qian HOU and Zhi-yu ZHANG 1Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Science, Beijing, China Abstract The Xiadan gold deposit from Jiaodong Peninsula contains more than 200 t of gold, and is one of the representative largest deposits within south part of the Zhaoping Fault zone. Shear zones form a continuum of geological structures, ranging from brittle shear zones (or faults) via brittle-ductile shear zones (or semibrittle shear zones), ductile-brittle to ductile shear zones. ]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 16, no. These unusual gold deposits are mostly overlooked, and they appear to be abundant! at picacho mine, an augen gneiss is exposed through a low angle normal fault system, the chocolate mountain detachment fault (cmdf ). In March 2012, the company announced their first shipment that contained over 700 ounces of gold. ±. detachment-fault structures. This style of mineralization is prevalent in the Oatman Gold District. . The first style appears as thin veinlets just above a low-angle detachment fault where bladed quartz associates with 10-20 vol. The Dayingezhuang deposit occurs along the Linglong detachment fault, which defines . Show all posts. the upper plate gneisses and granites host important gold deposits in several locales in the cargo muchacho and chocolate mountains. Two seismic profiles indicate the detachment fault dips 17°-20° west, has a minimum of 10.1 km of slip, and accumulates a sedimentary wedge more than 2.5 km thick in the west-central part of this basin domain. The Silverfield may be a hot springs high grade gold / silver deposit in detachment fault environment. Distal veins of quartz-barite-fluorite-Mn oxides emplaced along high . 59-78. deposits are also shown as a trend from the silver-rich apex toward the base-metal apex. Detachment fault deposits were first recognized as a separate form of gold deposit in the 1980's. A gold rush was initiated at Mockingbird Trend during the 1980's, with some 15,000 ounces of high-grade ore harvested. The nature of the structures and mineralization further suggest potential for another type of ore deposit — that of the strong likelihood of a major detachment fault associated gold / copper deposit, similar to the proven and mined Copperstone and Mesquite deposits. Middle Tertiary microdiorite­ dike-related deposits display a profound bias toward gold production, whereas detachment-fault-related deposits discreetly cluster in either the gold or base-metal apices. Interlayer slip-detachment zone type gold deposits are controlled by the interlayer slip-structures or ductile shear zones of Precambrian strata. deposit. The gold is reportedly very fine-grained and associated with silicification and epithermal-textured quartz veins with sulphides of pyrite, arsenopyrite, and rarer stibnite.The Wapolu sulphide-gold hosted and epithermal gold-silver project is hosted in shoots within detachment fault breccia and mineralised or re-worked mineralised talus (rock . Its close to Clara Moro and could be jointly explored. is . The Copperstone deposit is a mid-Tertiary, detachment fault related gold deposit. This study demonstrates that the bladed texture, which is common in epithermal, low-sulfidation (adularia-sericite) precious metal deposits, can serves as exploration vector towards precious metal mineralization. Shk. Hidden gold deposits are likely to be found in several of the known mining districts. Several possible cases can be identified: Epithermal deposits found in metamorphic rocks (for example, Mesquite, California; Manske and others, 1988 ). The project is 23 miles northwest of Eureka, site of Barrick Gold Corp's Ruby Hill gold mining operations, 30 miles southeast of Barrick's Cortez Hills gold mining operations, 2 miles northwest of the Mt. this is one of the oldest and most productive mines in the gold basin district. Aside from the similarity of the tin-polymetallic sulphide mix and the presence of pyrite-pyrrhotite as principal iron rich sulphides, the deposits are all located adjacent to major regional fault structures. gold deposits in the last two decades. - STDD001 was drilled at a high angle (70-degree dip) perpendicular to the main Stealth Fault to a depth of 164m. Gold mineralization at Copperstone occurs principally within the moderate to low-angle Copperstone Fault which has been interpreted to be a listric fault associated with the underlying Moon Mountain detachment fault. 2a), is situated in the central part of the Linglong detachment fault that defines the eastern edge of the Linglong MCC. al (1991) challenge the detachment fault interpretation and suggest the Proterozoic/Miocene contact is an erosional unconformity rather than a fault contact.

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detachment fault gold deposits