Paradise Watersports Hawaii. Once the captain finds the perfect spot out on the water, every member of your group will take turns parasailing. We chose parasailing, jet skiing, and bumper tubing. Children 15 yrs of age and under must have their parent or guardian fly with them; Only a customer who booked through and stayed at a specific property can write a review. Hawaiian Parasail utilizes the harness method, for a soft, dry take-off and landing from the boat. 1. Children 15 yrs of age and under must have their parent or guardian to be on board with them; If you've already seen Oahu's sights from the ground level, embark on a thrilling adventure with a completely different view. No one is intoxicated (drug or alcohol); During this 2-hour tour, cruise past Diamond Head Crater through Maunalua Bay on a power catamaran, then dive under the surface on your scooter to see green sea turtles, schools of tropical fish and other native marine life. Just like with the first tour, you get to select between different line lengths. In addition, if you're staying anywhere convenient to get to by walking. We recommend against wearing sandals and slippers to minimize this risk. Heavy people must be able to walk healthy without an assistant; Charles "Chucky" Miguel Sr. was taking no chances. All the noise from the boat and the city will cut away as you ascend, leaving you and your flight buddy in your own pocket of paradise. Get Google maps directions hereand check outKewalo Basin harbor parking. Promo Code. This blend of hang gliding and water skiing is distinctively suited to the Hawaiian experience. YYou'll board the USS Missouri, visit the USS Arizona Memorial and the Pearl Harbor Visitor Center to learn about the rich history of WWII. All-suite Accommodations. Views of the Diamond Head and Waikiki skylines! Maui Fishing Charters - Inshore & Bottom Fishing | UFO Parasail Rates are subject to change without notice; Flying tandem or triple . Looking for the suitable own family-pleasant spot in Hawaii? No resort charge. 5. air time. The amazing views you will catch are provided to you by the Diamond Head and the Waikiki skyline. We have been flying since 2013 and offers outstanding service and an unparalleled experience. Please use the form to contact us, and we will get back to you as soon as were able to. 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TOPSHAPE KONA SPORTS FISHING (Kailua-Kona) - 2023 What to Know BEFORE - Buy Now! Additional charge for 3rd or 4th adult. 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Kama'aina rates are up to 43% off with 50% off Hospitality Fee and 50% off Parking Fee ($49 value) Valid Hawaii ID required upon check in. We have been flying since 2013 and offers outstanding service and an unparalleled experience. Weights and flights are subject to weather conditions, and these calls are made by the captain. This policy applies to all clients and customers who book with us, regardless of the reason for cancellation. 27. We were staying at Hilton Hawiian village so we just walked over to get our tickets my wife and I had never been parasailing before we had lots of fun all the employees were fantastic from the young lady at the ticket booth to the 2 very good guys on the boat they all knew what they were doing and made it a fun trip. Sorry, transportationis not availabledue to Covid-19. Parasailing Rates. 'child or person of the land' [1]) is a word describing Hawaii residents regardless of their racial background, as opposed to kanaka which means a person of Native Hawaiian ancestry. Once youre done with your exhilarating ride, you can kick up your feet and take in the scenery and maybe even some glimpses of sea creatures around the boat! 1) Savings up to 20%. Were conveniently located in Kewalo Basin, just 5 minutes away from Waikiki Hotels, offering parasailing tours along the world-famous Waikiki Beach! First responders, nurses and teachers are entitled to 15% off parasail flights for the entire reservation with proof of ID at check-in. Desired date and time for activity (optional). Call Us. Why choose Hawaiian Parasail? The best Parasailing in Oahu according to Viator travelers are: What Parasailing in Oahu are 1 hour or less? It's good to be a kama'aina. Beforehand, you'll have the chance to learn about the Japanese attack at the Pearl Harbor Visitor Center, including its powerful documentary. Located right in the heart of Waikiki, Paradise Watersports has a professional, friendly crew that really makes this such an amazing experience. Parasailing in Waikiki: Soar High above the Pacific Parents or guardians must sign the waivers for 17 yrs old and under All persons may be required to sign a liability waiver before boarding our vessels. Copyright 2013-2022 Paradise Water Sports Hawaii. The 5 Best Oahu Parasailing [2023 Reviews] - World Guides To Travel Safe, secure online booking system 1-Hour Guided Hawaiian Parasailing in Waikiki, 750ft Parasailing with Paradise Water Sports Waikiki Beach Oahu, 1-Hour 750ft Parasailing with Paradise Water Sports Waikiki Beach Oahu, 750ft Parasailing with Paradise Water Sports Waikiki Beach Oahu, The 5 Best Oahu Snorkel Tours [2023 Reviews], The 7 Best Oahu Helicopter Tours [2023 Reviews], The 5 Best Oahu Sunset Dinner Cruises [2023 Reviews]. Book now and make the most of your Hawaiian parasailing experience with the islands original parasail operator. SAVE UP TO 25%. While there is no dress code for most tours, please be careful when boarding the boat. Both options are incredible and will provide you with magnificent views of the area. Hawaiian Parasail | Oahu Parasailing in Honolulu Due to airline tickets restrictions, inter-island tours are non-refundable. view offer. Proof of Hawai'i residency required. Weathers permission and Captain discretion for over 450 lbs combined. Hop on board a shared boat, which is speedy and smooth. For this reason, specific events and locations can be subject to change, delay, or in extreme circumstances, cancellation. Please check in 30 minutes before your scheduled departure time. 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Adverse weather conditions or other factors may negatively impact the safety of planned activities. Feel free to fly like a bird as you soar high above the oceans surface and enjoy fantastic panoramic views of Diamond Head and the Waikiki skylines! Save your favorites. The highest altitude you can reach is a whopping 500 feet, offering aerial views of Oahu that are hard to see anywhere else. ",t);continue}let e=Array.from(t.querySelectorAll("a"));c.logOther("filtering links",e);e=e.filter(e=>{if(L(e)){c.logOther("Skipping link: Inside a
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