With virail the cheapest train tickets from Lyon to Strasbourg. Discover the charming city of Lyon, dubbed by some as the Capital of the Gauls. Montez à bord d'un TGV et rejoignez la gare de Lyon-Saint-Paul en 3 heures 41 environ. Book in advance Advance rail tickets from Strasbourg to Lyon are the cheapest train tickets.You may book up to 3 months in advance and up to 6 months for Eurostar. virail helps you to find timetables and prices for all trains from Strasbourg to Lyon. Virail helps you to find the best train ticket from Lyon to Strasbourg. If you want to travel from Strasbourg to Lyon by train, there are 17 available connections per day. The main part of these connections, that is to say 10 routes, include one or many changes and the rest, that is to say 6 routes, are direct lines. You can compare many different offers at the same time, all you need to do is to enter the date of your trip and we will find all the possibilities for you. Travelling by train to Lyon from Strasbourg: how many daily connections are there? Son prix fluctue souvent entre 20€ et 109€, pour, en moyenne, un prix direct Strasbourg Lyon de 51€. Find the best train offers from Strasbourg to Lyon. The city's Museum of Contemporary Art, Palais Saint-Pierre and Musee des Beaux-Arts are worth visiting! Vous voulez aller en train de Lyon à Strasbourg en environ 3 heures 42 ? Easy to use website and apps rated excellent on Trustpilot, multi-currency bookings and human customer support. Book your point to point ticket or rail pass with Rail Europe, plan a journey by train from Strasbourg to Lyon thanks to complete train timetable and travel times. However, the travel time may be longer on weekends and holidays, so take this into consideration when buying train tickets from Strasbourg to Lyon. Pourquoi choisir le train pour un trajet entre Strasbourg et Lyon. Le trajet direct Strasbourg Lyon est proposé par les compagnies suivantes : TGV Inoui. With train connections to Germany, Switzerland, Paris and other cities in France, it is easy to get here. Situated in France, Lyon is nearly 3h45 from Strasbourg by train. The average journey duration is 4 h 21 min.The first train leaves at 06:08. (1) Price including VAT, per person, on the journey concerned, for a one-way ticket only in second class to a selection of destinations in France with TGV INOUI and INTERCITÉS (excluding OUIGO), subject to availability of seats at this rate, on certain days and on certain trains without a connection. The route from Strasbourg to Lyon is served daily by 12 trains leaving from from the station of Strasbourg and arriving at to the station of Lyon Part Dieu. *Cancel and exchange your TGV INOUI train tickets free of charge until 4 January 2021. Train Strasbourg Lyon. En moyenne, le temps de trajet direct Strasbourg Lyon est de 4h09, allant de 3h42 à 5h15 au maximum. Buy tickets from Strasbourg to Lyon in one transaction. Keep an eye out for the Opera National de Lyon that puts on festivals throughout the year. Profitez du confort du TGV pendant toute la durée du trajet jusqu'à la gare de Strasbourg-Roethig. Envie d'aller en train de Strasbourg à Lyon? Train Lyon Train Strasbourg Train Lyon Strasbourg Oui.sncf est le distributeur de voyages en ligne de SNCF et spécialiste du train à grande vitesse en Europe: trouvez toutes les informations pour organiser votre voyage, réservez vos billets de train et inspirez-vous de nos idées de séjours. Profitez d'un wagon-restaurant si vous avez une petite faim au cours du trajet. The average journey time by train from Strasbourg to Lyon is 3 h 53 min. Pourquoi choisir le train pour un trajet entre Lyon et Strasbourg. However, when you arrive in or depart from Strasbourg, don't forget to take a good look at the railway station. Its historical façade was built in the 19th century, but in 2006-2007 the station was refurbished and covered by a huge glass dome. Profitez du service de restauration si vous …
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