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genesis 21:22 34 commentary

Verses 1-34. How to respond to critics the way Jesus did. The tree sealed the site of the oath. 6 Sarahs ioy. The significance of this passage is Abraham finding a place in the land promised to him in safety. In the story of Hagar and Ishmael, we notice: _The birth of Isaac. Checking his ticket which he hadnt used, he realized that if his earlier flight to Chicago had not been cancelled, he would have been on that flight. This is the first use of everlasting (Hb. In that desert land, a well was essential for survival, both for a mans flocks and for his family. The honest and fearless revelations of Bennetts own moral failures affirm he wrote this book for himself as much as for others. I. That led to an obsessive seven year deep dive. Throughout Abrahams story run two great promises which God made to Abraham: a son, through whom Abraham would become a great nation, and through whose descendants all the nations would be blessed; and, the land of Canaan, where his descendants would live. (Murphy)that Abimelechthe king of Gerar (Genesis 20:2; Genesis 26:1, Genesis 26:16)and Phi-cholif the name be Shemitic, "mouth of all," i.e. that it could not be explained on merely natural grounds. Wheres the balance between taking measures for our own safety versus trusting God to protect us? It shows how God faithfully provided all that Abraham needed apart from Abrahams schemes. all that thou doest: A.M. 2118. Will God forgive me for losing hope and the will to live? V2 So Sarah became *pregnant. Genesis 21 Commentary - King James Version Online Peace established, Abimelech and Phichol, having accomplished their mission, returned to Philistia. Sarah's demand GENESIS 12:1 TO GENESIS 25:18. reasons for holding that J is here made up of two main sources ABRAHAM AND ABIMELECH MAKE A COVENANT AT BEERSHEBA. The world is watching, and without a word of witness, they should be able to tell that we are Christians as they see our godly lives. God also took care of Hagar and Ishmael, remembering His promise to greatly multiply their descendants (see Birth of Isaac ). It is a beautiful illustration of how God faithfully provides everything we need for life and godliness so that we can fulfill His purpose. COVENANT. fear Abimelech, that is _Father-King,_ was 27:7). His calendar wasnt full of speaking engagements. How Jesus loved his betrayer Judas, even to the very end. trial and utter ruin of the creature, with the revelation of divine with his wi AND IT CAME TO PASS AT THAT TIME,. Not when Ishmael was grown up Abimelech has reason to be suspicious of Abraham, but recognizes Gods blessing on his life, so he wisely seeks a covenant of truth and peace between them. Do we work hard or slack off? What a privilege to be used by the Eternal God as we live our ordinary lives on this earth! DISMISSAL OF HAGAR AND ISHMAEL. Abimelech. Now the grace of God bears its most important fruit in the history of Another highlight of this passage is the explanation for the origin of the name Beersheba. Thus, while the Lord gave Abraham authority to dwell in this land, his presence was recognized by the king of Gerar. Read Genesis 21:22-34 Ripped Off Abimelek the king of Gerar and his top general Phicol approach Abraham and say to him, We recognize that God is with you in everything you do. He did what he spokesman of all (Murphy), ruler of all (Gesenius); or "the distinguished" (Furst); believed to have been a titular designation of the Philistine monarch's grand vizier or prime minister (Lange, 'Speaker's Commentary'), who was alsothe chief captain of his host (i.e. I already did that during the night while I was watching over my sick child, she replied. The significance of this passage is Abraham finding a place in the land promised to him in safety. Genesis 21:22-34 NIV - The Treaty at Beersheba - Bible Gateway After the treaty had been made at Beersheba, Abimelek and Phicol the commander of his forces returned to the land of the Philistines. Wells of water are scarce and . Contests for wells "are now very common all over the country, but more especially in the southern deserts". CONTENTS: Birth of Isaac. But God revealed to Abimelek the truth that Sarah is Abrahams wife. The passage is narrative. That world could tell that God was with him in all he did! Th Genesis 21:22 time H6256 Abimelech H40 Phichol H6369 commander H8269 1. CHARACTERS: Sarah, Abraham, Isaac, Hagar, Ishmael, Abimelech. Do we badmouth the boss or other workers behind their backs? Its no wonder that Abimelek is asking Abraham to swear that he wont deal falsely with him. By the way the new cops boss, the Police Chief, called him into his office the next day for what the new cop thought was going to be an atta-boy. Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture Quotations are from the New American Standard Bible, The Lockman Foundation, Related Topics: Character of God, Discipleship, Ecclesiology (The Church), Empower, Spiritual Life, Steve served as the pastor of Flagstaff Christian Fellowship from May, 1992 through his retirement in December, 2018. This visit of the king and his vizier appears to have taken place some considerable time after the beginning of the sojourn of Abraham at Gerar; for the friendly feelings which then existed had evidently given way to a coolness, occasioned by the quarrels between their herdsmen. Philistines generally (Genesis 2 ISHMAEL AND ISAAC Genesis 21:22. could sing with Mary, My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spi God is with thee in all that thou doest Abimelech claimed no prior knowledge of the matter, and the covenant the two men ratified stipulated that the well belonged to Abraham (21:30). Genesis 21:33. the long-promised son was born. Are we honest, even in small matters? Genesis 21:22-34 New International Version The Treaty at Beersheba 22 At that time Abimelek and Phicol the commander of his forces said to Abraham, "God is with you in everything you do. xx. It is not necessary to conclude from verse 1 and 2 that Sarah only became pregnant after the episode that is told in the previous chapter. 8. The LXX. _The Covenant with Abimelech_ (Genesis 21:22-34) Do you see what happened here? How to love unlovable people the way Jesus did. Now the grace of God bears its most important fruit in the history of @#$%^&* salary!. When Abraham and Abimelech previously met, on the occasion when Abraham lied about his wife, Abimelech endorsed Abraham living where it pleases you (20:15). And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. Youll recall that he had been deceptive, pawning off Sarah as his sister. 20 God was with the boy as he grew up. I. CRITICAL NOTES. all that thou doest: The palpable injury. Im not suggesting that you go on sinning and tell everyone that youre a Christian. Ishmaels expulsion. Well it didnt turn out quite the way he expected. The one great miracle in his life was the birth of Isaac in his old age. Its not our job to meet out justice anyway. Sarah There he made, not only a constant practice, but an open profession of his religion. You know what Ive learned? 7. Luke 6:21. God's people, though expected meekly to suffer wrong, cannot always help seeing that it is wrong they suffer. Adaptation of Divine truth to those to whom it is sent. Two powerful princes, in their conduct exemplifying the spirit of unity and peace which should bind together private persons in their daily intercourse, as well as kings and nations in their political alliance. It is wise to connect ourselves with those who are blessed of God; and we ought to requite kindness to those who have been kind to us. I. We dont always think about it, but if the world knows that were Christians, they watch us to see if were different than everyone else. The trouble is, people can see that it isnt true. surround, enclose, and _chum_ black. COVENANT BETWEEN Genesis 12:1-3 sets forth Gods purpose to make of Abraham a great nation, to bless him and make his name great so that he would be the channel of Gods blessing to all the families of the earth. So we never bear witness for Jesus Christ, which is precisely what Satan wants. all-commanding. Genesis 21:22-34 - Frederick Brotherton Meyer's Commentary 22. However, see 26:17-33, where Isaac also has a dispute with Abimelech (likely not the same person) over wells and makes a treaty with him. ISHMAEL AND ISAAC Genesis 21:1-34 ; Genesis 22:1-24 Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. (1) that as the land of the Philistines had no fixed boundary toward the desert, Beersheba may at this time have been claimed for the kingdom of Gerar (Keil); or. Sarah's demand GENESIS 12:1 TO GENESIS 25:18. (2) that as Beersheba was situated on the confines of the Philistines' territory, Abraham must frequently have sojourned in their country while pasturing his flocks (Rosenmller). DISMISSAL OF HAGAR AND ISHMAEL. The things of this world made a channel of higher blessings. "'Do not lay a hand on the boy,' he said. The days spent in Philistia left behind them some enlightenment. (Haydock)_ And God heard the voice of the lad; and the angel of God called to Good men should do all they can to make others so. Genesis 21:22. . Abimelek the king of Gerar and his top general Phicol approach Abraham and say to him, We recognize that God is with you in everything you do. 7. Isaac would later have to clear up some matters over several wells with Abimelech (chap. 1. A Beersheba in a heathen land. (22) ABIMELECH AND PHICHOL. Thus, Beersheba can mean, well of oath, or well of seven. So, outside of the name, Beersheba, the word shava occurs three times and the word sheva occurs three times in this passage. The satisfactory explanation. The Treaty at Beersheba, Genesis 21:22-34 | kdmanestreet Genesis 21:22 139:16)! The Lords whole thing boils down to that. He complains to Abimelek about a well of water that Abimeleks servants had seized. Genesis 21:22. Only before concluding the agreement there was a matter of a more personal character that required settlement. 17 The Angel comforteth her. (3) that in making charges or preferring complaints it is well to avoid both heat of temper and severity of language. Even as Gods kindness draws us to him, our kindness with others should point them to Him. _AT THAT TIME_] This may either refer to the Abimelech attributes Abrahams success to God. that it could not be explained on merely natural grounds. transactions recorded in the preceding chapter, or to the time of 14. . Wherever we sojourn, we must neither neglect nor be ashamed of the worship of Jehovah. Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. A son was ABIMELECHS COVENANT WITH ABRAHAM. His plane from Pennsylvania had been late, and a friend who had accompanied him to the Chicago airport said that he last saw him dashing through the terminal to make his flight home. One way Abimelech knew that Abraham walked with God is that Abraham had prayed that God would heal Abimelech and his family, and God answered that prayer (20:17-18). _GOD IS WITH - The Birth of Isaac 21:33 Abraham called on the name of the Lord, 21:34 Living in the land of the Philistines. His file is sealed until 2040) have receivedregular medical exams, taken psychological tests, returned questionnaires, and sat for interviews for the last 72 years or until they died. Its Gods job to meet out justice. The LXX. Didnt Jesus tell us If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. Heres a bag. Verse Genesis 21:22. Abimelech declared himself perfectly unacquainted with the wrong which had been done to Abraham, and immediately returned the well, which discovers how easily misunderstandings might be removed if, instead of harboring enmity, men would resort to friendly conference. 14. At that time Abimelek and Phicol the commander of his forces said to Abraham, God is with you in everything you do. He felt Why was one Christian man spared while the other was killed? We could go on and on recounting the mighty deeds that God has done. Genesis 21:1; Genesis 22:1 Genesis 21:22-34 NKJV - A Covenant with Abimelech - Bible Gateway Genesis 21:22 Name signifies mouth of all, _i.e.,_ The LORD visited Sarah as He had said: It took a long time (25 years) for this promise to come to pass, but God was faithful to His promise. Genesis 21 This chapter deals with three different topics. - Genesis 21:22-23 Review After waiting years, God blessed Abraham and Sarah with their promised baby, Isaac. 21:23 Abimelech proposes a treaty not to deal falsely. In Genesis 21:22-34, we see Abraham in a scene from his ordinary life. captain of his host spake unto Abraham, saying, God [is] with thee in Some try to convey that they are perfect. This Bible study on Genesis 21 shows God's promise to Sarah and Abraham fulfilled in the birth of their son Isaac, the son of promise. How can we turn everyday situations into opportunities for telling others about Christ? Genesis 21:22-34 - The Pulpit Commentaries This blessing would come through Abrahams descendant, the Lord Jesus Christ. He put a loaf of bread on the other side of the scale, and to his surprise, nothing happened. What makes us happy? But what about Abraham? Because of that fear, before they left Haran, he and Sarah had worked out a deceptive scheme to pawn her off as his sister (20:13). 1. Abraham took the occasion of Abimelechs visit to bring up the matter of a well which Abimelechs servants had seized from Abrahams servants. Each time, the young man, who was retarded and knew only this one verse, responded simply by quoting John 3:16. Wells of water are scarce and valuable in eastern countries. As a tax payer Im your boss I pay your ! law of Hebrew narrative, probably not Now the LORD visited Sarah as he had said (Genesis 21:1), The proposal was reasonable, and agreed to [Ge 21:24]. If youre a Christian, and youre not a cop, then its not your job to come down on people. A.M. 2118. And, God provides for his need for water through this well. Abimelech attributes Abrahams success to God. Another highlight of this passage is the explanation for the origin of the name Beersheba. . I like that, "as He had said, and as He had spoken." 22 At that time Abimelek and Phicol the commander of his forces said to Abraham, "God is with you in everything you do. Its done, these two powerful men have entered into the treaty with one another. The music and the sermon were okay, but didnt really help. Spiritual markers remind us of the goodness of the Lord in our lives. Because Abimelech wanted this covenant to apply, not only to himself, but to his posterity (21:23), it secured this source of water not only for Abraham, but for his descendants. Abraham, being now in a good neighbourhood, stayed a great while there. neit EXPOSITION Abraham took care to have his title to the well allowed, to prevent disputes in future. had promised to her. In Chapter s 20, 21 we have the question of the heir and of the path The new cop and the driver of the car are both backed into a corner. So what does Abraham do? So why, after he already gave Abimelek flocks of sheep and cattle, did Abraham give him seven lambs as a witness that Abraham dug the well? Now Abraham and his descendants can dwell securely in the land. Copyright 1996, Steven J. Cole, All Rights Reserved. I like this. Abraham at A Treaty with Abimelech. The grocer, who was not a believer, was unmoved by her need. and the LORD did unto Sarah as he had spoken (Genesis 21:1). They watch our attitudes, our words, and our actions. Genesis 31 Genesis 32 Genesis 33 Genesis 34 Genesis 35 Genesis 36 Genesis 37 Genesis 38 Genesis 39 Genesis 40 Genesis 41 The Covenant Between Abraham and Abimelech NINTH SECTION See also Genesis 21:22-34 in other biblical comments: Adam Clarke Bible Commentary. The prudent measure Abraham gave Abimelech seven ewe lambs as a witness that he had digged the well, and consequently had a right to its possession. _chemet_ bottle, akin to _chamah_, And he said, For these seven ewe lambs shalt thou take of my hand, that they may be a witness unto me,that this peculiar kind of oath never occurs again in Old Testament history is no proof of the mythical character of the narrative (Bohlen); on the contrary, "that the custom existed in primitive Hebrew times is shown by the word , which had early passed into the language, and which would be inexplicable without the existence of such a custom" (Havernick)that I have digged this well. It hadnt worked the two times they tried it. Genesis 21:22-34 Meaning and Commentary - Bible Study Tools Gen. 21:22-34 Locate the passage This passage chronicles a covenant between Abraham and Abimelech. shava) in this pericope (23, 24, 31, 31). of God; and we ought to requite kindness to those who have We plainly see that God blesseth and prospereth thee in all thy He spoke and the universe was created. Genesis 21 - Commentary by Rev. John Schultz - Bible Commentaries God is B.C. Sometimes we may wonder, How does God fit in with the ordinary?. of his host, spoke to Abraham saying, God is with you in all that Phichol.] 'Do not do anything to him. _mlel_ speak, an ancient and therefore solemn that Abimelech, and Phichol, the chief captain of his host, spake unto Abraham; Abimelech was king of Gerar, the same that is spoken of in the preceding chapter, and Phichol was the general of his army; these two great personages came together and paid Abraham a visit, and had some conversation with him, who was still in Gerar, or however in some part of that country not far from it: saying, God is with thee in all that thou doest; greatly prospered him in the things of the world, for of them only could they make a judgment; they saw that he increased in worldly substance, and that his family was increased, and that he succeeded in everything in which he engaged; and, being jealous of his growing greatness and power, were desirous of securing an interest in him and in his favour. Isaac is weaned. THE PROMISE FULFILLED IN ISAAC had once laughed through unbelief; now being ashamed of that, she His men may have dug who knows how many dry wells before finding this one. One of Abrahams deeply rooted fears when God called him to leave his homeland and go to the land of Canaan was that the people of the land would see his wife and kill him in order to take her. That word sounds very much like the Hebrew word for seven (sheva) used in 21:28, 29, and 30. Abraham, thinking the herdsmen had acted on their master's orders, reproved Abimelech. 15 Hagar in distresse. Abimelech professed to have shown kindness (Hb. Ver. So swear to me here before God that you won't deal falsely with me or my children or my descendants. 23 Now therefore swear to me here by God that you will not deal falsely with me or with my descendants or with my posterity, but as I have dealt kindly with you, so you will deal with me and with the . Why? 3. Related Commentaries of Genesis 21:22. to Abraham. Genesis 21:22-34 What is the meaning of these seven ewe lambs you have set apart by themselves? The oath a testimony to God where reverently made. 5. The outcast. the commander-in-chief of his forces) spake unto Abraham (having come from Gerar for the purpose), saying, God is with thee in all that thou doesta conviction derived from his former acquaintance with the patriarch (Genesis 20:1. and poetical word. As the years passed, he often wondered if it was just a coincidence. 1. God's promises never fail. And alls well. He was, to put it gently, directed to find a way to verbally persuade subjects to cooperate. Genesis 20:17 Genesis 26:28 College Press Bible Study Textbook Series, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible, G. Campbell Morgan's Exposition on the Whole Bible, George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary, Introductory Lectures - Commentary by William Kelly, John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible, Kretzmann's Popular Commentary of the Bible, Lange's Commentary on the Holy Scriptures, Leslie M. Grant's Commentary on the Bible, Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible, Matthew Poole's Concise Commentary On The Bible, Notes on the Pentateuch by Charles Henry Mackintosh, Sutcliffe's Commentary on the Old and New Testaments, The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary, Through The Bible C2000 Serie by Chuck Smith. The blessing made manifest. Good men should not only rectify the wrongs they do to one another, but adopt all wise precautions against their repetition. 22 And it came to pass at that time, that Abimelech and Phicol the genesis-26:26-34 - Bible Commentaries - page 8 of 14 What modern monarchs mostly desire at the close of exhausting campaigns is here sought before campaigns begin. Luke 6:21. Now swear to me here before God that you will not deal falsely with me or my children or my descendants. 17. He checked his badge, it was on right side up. Ruth 1:17, and vide Genesis 14:23). favourite of God, chap. You many Read Genesis 21:22-34 here: Bible Gateway. Abraham's acquiescence in the king's proposal was no doubt dictated by a peaceable disposition, a sense of equity, a spirit of contentment, and an unwavering confidence in God. Yet in spite of Abrahams sins and insensitivity, Abimelech here seeks him out because he recognized God in Abrahams life! . Sarah, at the unlikely age of 90 years, gives birth to Isaac, AndIf anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. (Matthew 5:39-41). CONCLUSION: Behind every promise of God is the purpose a Genesis 21:3. Hagar and Ishmael sent away. genesis-21:22-34 - Bible Commentaries He wouldnt have had much exciting news to report in his monthly fund-raising letter. The impelling motives. Jesus taught us to pray each day for our daily bread. mercy in Christ the Lord. The man whos been thoroughly analyzing these files for the last 44 years is Dr. George Valliant. 3. Are we cheerful and pleasant, even when were mistreated, or do we grumble and complain like everyone else? He had to provide protection and give him the land, which He begins to do in a rather ordinary way through this peace agreement. Isaac's birth (Genesis 22:1) 2. Without even reading it, he put it on one side of his old-fashioned scale. Abimelech, however, was still wary of Abraham and fearful of the God whom Abraham worshipped. But He doesnt just provide for our needs so that we can live comfy lives for our own happiness. Abraham at at the time God Himself had 22-34 Abimelech felt sure that the promises of God would be fulfilled And both of them made a covenant. (22) ABIMELECH AND PHICHOL. Peace enjoyed. favourite of God, chap. "This scene occurs at the same time as the events of Scene 6 [ Genesis 21:1-21] but focuses on different characters and tensions. 1886. Q. 6. Then this brand new cop said,Sir, step out of the car. But the problem is, most of us dont live in the realm of the spectacular. 1 The LORD visited Sarah as he had said, and the LORD did to Sarah as he had promised.

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genesis 21:22 34 commentary